Tips from the Animals for Social Media

January 11, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Tips from the Animals for Social Media

So it's not just influencers on Social Media and here are some of the animals to give you their best tips about how to engage with your audience, grow your reach and create the best photos you can...


1. Silhouettes can be your friend..

Find a raised area to pose from, then you will be silhouetted against the sky, the clouds and the colour. A colourful sky is better than a dull one. If you have a unique silhouette make sure you showcase your best feature, especially if you have a beard like me!


2. Get a friend to check your eyebrows and your makeup..

There's nothing worse than doing your photo shoot and then discovering that your eyebrows have an insect in or they are uneven, that your makeup is smudged or you have something in your teeth, so get a trusted friend or personal assistant to check.


3. Have a Unique Hairdo..

If you have a hairdo that makes you stand out, make sure you showcase it in your photographs. A friend of mine got a huge push after his hairdo was posted online... (This dude below). A funky hairdo can really elevate your brand and start a trend.. give it a try!


4. Practice your strut...

Practice, practice, practice that strut even when you aren't on camera, that way when you are it will come naturally and best of all look like your natural strut. Keep your eyes up and walk with power and passion and people will notice!


5. Stretch out your muscles..

If you want to make your social media following about exercise and body stretchiness, make sure you have some shots of you doing the exercises. Balancing on inanimate objects can make some really unique photos, if you use a tree, don't go too high in case you fall off.


6. Find the right prop..

It may be a log you can strut along in the wild or it could be a wall in your garden, if you use it correctly you can really show off your stuff, like using this fallen tree to show off the curl of your tail or the pattern of your coat!

Of course you may want to walk towards the camera if you want to show your face but if you want to show off your booty then make sure it's this direction.


7. Be Camera Ready..

Make sure you are always facing the camera, even when everyone else is looking the other way, that way you are always the focus of the image and you'll stand out the best. Who cares what your friends look like, as long as you look the best. Remember it's all about you!


8. Find a good reflective surface..

The right reflective surface can earn you some really unique shots, just don't get so obsessed with your reflection you can't stop staring at yourself. If you look towards the camera whilst your reflection shows your profile and your fancy side feathers it's a way to really show off your plumage. Not to mention putting your bill at the right angle makes it look more impressive.


9. Arch your back..

A good arch of your back can really help show off your figure, a slight 45 degree angle to the camera, a good arch to your back and then of course the straightening of your tail and you've got the recipe for the best way to show off that figure you worked so hard for.


10. Make sure your eyes catch the light..

See how the little bit of light that hits the eye makes all the difference in the photo, the one on the right is more engaging, more connected and more interesting. It gives more life to the image and makes the viewer like the photograph more, which in turn helps you grow your brand, business or influence.


Part two of the Tips from the Animals for Social Media will be along shortly. Hope you enjoyed them.





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