Tips from the Animals for Social Media Part 2

January 19, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Tips from the Animals for Social Media Part 2


11. Find someone that looks at you like this..

Make sure all your followers know you are adored and loved by at least one other person. Encourage them to find themselves someone who looks at you like the Puffin in the back is looking at the one in front, there is nothing better than being adored and idolised.


12. Find the Light..

Always try and find the light with your eyes, they are the most important part of your face and by catching the light with your eyes you engage with your audience more. They are also the windows to the soul, so if you want to keep your soul safe, make sure you close the blinds.


14. Don't pull faces..

You might get caught at the wrong moment and then you have a photo that you don't like, so make sure you're always ready for the camera. So no tongues out, no funny faces, make sure you're always smiling so people don't think you have RLF, Resting Leopard Face!


15. Practice your 'Stare off into the distance'..

Sometimes not looking at the camera is the best strategy so make sure you have a range of poses where you are staring off into the distance in a variety of looks; longing, love, thoughtfullness,


16. Make sure someone else doesn't steal your thunder..

If you're trying to be the centre of attention make sure there isn't someone more striking than you in the background, you do not want something to steal your thunder. You should be the centre of attention and someone in spotted coat shouldn't be trying to take your attention, especially when you preened your feathers specially.


17. Perfect your selfie face..

Make sure you know your best angles, your best pout and where best to aim your eyeline. It will really help to be photo-ready if you can pull the right look out on command, it will also save you having to get a sore wing from holding the camera for multiple selfies when you could get it in a few shots.


18. Stand out from the crowd..

Sometimes you will be in the same colour as others so it's advantageous to be able to stand out when you all look similar. You want to make sure you are always the centre of attention and can really stand out of a crowd.


19. Find a natural frame..

In this case, it's foliage but natural frames can mean anything from gaps in buildings, small openings in walls, or even peeking round corners etc, you want something that frames your beauty so you can really stand out in your photographs. You put your photos in frames to hang up or display in your house and there's a reason for that, it emphasizes your amazingness.


20. Get your 'over the shoulder look' ready..

As I said previously, make sure you know all your angles, if you have a good profile, make sure you know how to showcase it to your best advantage. An over the shoulder look can look alluring and draw the viewer into your photograph and make them want to be you, be with you or just follow along with your life.


21. Let everyone see how cool you are..

If you have an awesome hairdo, like a mohawk, then make sure you show it off well. Turn all the angles, make sure they really take notice to move slowly and deliberately. Make sure you lift your head regally and hold it up high to show how proud you are of your super cool hairstyle.


This concludes the animals tips for social media, hope you enjoyed them and took them for the lighthearted fun they were meant.


~ Nikki



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